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广东省高等教育自学考试英语专业基础科段 英语口语考试大纲与样题 (课程代号:0594) 一、考核目标 口语是英语教学中四项基本技能之一。在普通高等院校英语专业中,英语口语作为专业基础课安排在一、二年级,每周一般安排2课时,总学时为144课时。在高等教学自学考试英语专业基础阶段中,英语口语属于必考课程。英语口语考试主要检查学生是否达到以下目标: (1) 能就所听到的语段进行问答和复述; (2) 能就所看到的一般场景进行描述; (3) 能就日常生活话题进行交谈并能在一般场合与英语国家人士交谈; (4) 能做到正确表达思想,语音、语调自然,无重大语法错误,语言基本得体。 二、考核依据教材 指定教材:《新编交际英语听说教程》,唐桂民、杨丽编,广东高等教学出版社,2002修订版 三、考试方式和评分原则 英语口语考试同时对两位考生进行考试,考生搭档(partner)由考务办公室统一派对。 口语考试由两位教师主考。两位主考给每位考生各自打分,考生的最后成绩为两个分数的平均分。主考将依据考生的语音语调、流利程度、思想表达、条理性、连贯性、交际能力、语言得体性及有无重大语法错误等方面评分。 四、考试内容和题型 英语口语考试分为三部分,总分100分,考试时间约为7-8分钟,准备时间为5分钟,考试具体内容和要求如下图所示:
说明: 第一部分为“热身”对话,占35分。要求两位考生相互用英语进行问候,然后就主考教师指定的2-3个话题进行对话。这部分的主要目的是:1)消除考生紧张的心理,逐步进入考试状态;2)考查学生的交际能力。因此这部分要求考生有较丰富的知识面的同时,较熟练地掌握日常生活场景(社交,天气、嗜好、文娱体育、购物、饮食、观光旅游、公共交通等)中的常用表达方式。 第二部分为朗读对话,占25分。要求两位考生用正确的语音、语调通畅流利地朗读一 个对话。在朗读时,考生在注意单音的清晰度的同时,尽可能运用连读、重音、弱读、节奏、 语调等。 第三部分为角色扮演,此部分为英语口语考试的重要部分,占40分。要求考生具有口 头灵活应用英语的能力和应变能力。在口语考试正式进行之前5分钟,给两位考生各发一份卷,考卷上标明两位考生在第三部分各自要扮演的角色、场景和会话要求等,然后给考生5分钟时间准备。在准备期间,两位考生只能独立准备自己要扮演的角色,不能告知对方自己的角色或与同伴讨论如何进行对话。在进行完第一、二部分后,要求考生根据要求及所准备的进行约2分钟的对话。在对话过程中,要求考生根据场景和角色尽可能多地应用功能语言,如建议、邀请、忠告、同意、许可、反对等,和正确地使用语法结构,如过去时、将来时、进行时、完成时等。 五、命题要求 1. 命题应严格按照本大纲对学生口语技能的要求,不能随意提高或降低标准。 2. 命题应严格按照本大纲内容和题型要求设计题型,不得随意改变。 3. 考试要根据不同时间段和考生分组情况使用不同的试题。试题中适当采用教材中的材料,但分值一般不得超过总分的40%。 六、题型举例 Part One Warm-up Conversation (35%) You are required to introduce and greet each other, and then carry on a conversation based on the two or three topics specified by the examiners. For example:
1) A: Good morning. I’m Li Xiahai. I’m from Shenzhen. B: Good morning. My name’s Wang Dan. I’m from Guangzhou. Pleased to meet you. A: Nice to meet you, too. 2) Will you please tell me something more about yourself? 3) How long have you been learning English? What do you think is the most difficult thing in the process of your English study? And why? 4) Do you often surf the Internet? What do you think are the advantages and disadvantages of the Internet? 5) What’s the weather like in your hometown? 6) What kind of interest and hobby do you have? 7) What do you enjoy doing in your spare time? …. Part Two Reading Aloud a Dialogue (25%) You are required to read aloud a dialogue, with one playing Role A and the other Role B. For example: A: I’ve heard a lot about the improved standard of living of the Chinese people, but I didn’t expect to see such great changes. Thirty-eight years ago I worked in the village for a short time and the peasants had a very hard life then. The land was barren and the people wore very tattered clothes. But yesterday, I saw two-storeyed houses, bicycles, sewing machines, colorful and fashionable clothing. I just couldn’t believe my eyes. B: But you know the changes were not so great until only about three or four years ago when the State began to adopt a new policy in the countryside. The peasants are now encouraged to produce more and earn more through honest labour. So more and more peasants have become very well-off and there’s a great demand for all kinds of consumer goods. A: Yes, I could see that. I saw many kinds of consumer goods in the village that country folk didn’t even know about last time I was in China. B: You mentioned bicycles and sewing machines. Those have become quite common in the rural areas today. I’ve recently come across an article in a magazine which reported on the changes in the peasants’ needs. Even I was surprised at the kinds of things they want to buy today. …. Part Three Role Play (40%) You are required to make up a dialogue based on the following situation and directions. You are given five minutes to prepare for it individually. Sample 1Role A You are Mr./Mrs. Derek Trevor with Sydney International Trading Co. Ltd. You’re going to attend the Guangzhou Trade Fair to be held in October. You’re going to take this opportunity to meet with Mr. Li, General Manager of Guangzhou Import & Export Corporation to talk over some important matters. You’re calling to make an appointment. Make up a dialogue with Student B for about 2 minutes. The following is your diary.
Role B You are Mr. Li’s secretary, who is General Manager of Guangzhou Import & Export Corporation. Mr. Li is wanted on the phone, but he is now on a business trip to Hong Kong. You are answering the phone call to take a message for Mr. Li. Make up a dialogue with Student A. The following is Mr. Li’s diary.
Sample 2Role AFirst take turns to briefly describe and then give your comment on what you see in the picture. Get ready to answer a question raised by your partner on what you have just said.
Role B First take turns to briefly describe and then give your comment on what you see in the picture. Get ready to answer a question raised by your partner on what you have just said.
Sample 3Role A Discuss with your partner the problem of environmental protection in China.
Role B Discuss with your partner the problem of environmental protection in China.
广东外语外贸大学自学考试办公室 2004年元月修订 《广东省高等教学自学考试英语口语考试》 考场指令 主考教师
1. 提前半小时到考务办公室领取主考用卷和考生用卷。 2. 熟悉试卷的要求和内容。 3. 在考试正式进行前,在评分表上登记考生的姓名和准考证号。 4. 考试开始。首先要求两位考生互相介绍问候,然后就主考规定的2至3个主题进行会话。 5. 要求考生交替朗读对话。 6. 要求考生就所给的场景或主题进行交谈。 7. 两位主考分别在评分表上给两位考生打分并签名。 8. 两位主考教师所给分数的平均分为考生的最后成绩,考试结束后有主考老师填写在等分表上并签名。 9. 把登分表及评分表交考务办公室。
1. 如两位考生中有一位水平过差,无法与其搭档(partner)进行会话,一位主考将兼扮其搭档。 2. 如两位考生中临时有一位缺考,一位主考将兼扮其搭档。 监考教师
1. 考试前二十分钟按组别分别把考生安置在候考室里。 2. 在考试正式开始后,未考试的考生不能离开候考室,所有手机一律关闭。 3. 按名单顺序叫两位考生到准备室准备。按不同角色给考生发考卷。 4. 考生单独准备五分钟,不允许两位考生互通角色内容或交头接耳。 5. 在时间上尽可能安排紧凑些。 6. 考完试的考生尽快离开考场,不允许再折回候考室。 评分方式和标准 一、 评分方式 两位主考分别给两位考生打分,考生的最后成绩为两个分数的平均分。口语成绩以100分计,60分为及格。如两位主考所打的分差超过10分,由两位主考协商后调整分数。 二、评分标准 三部分的评分标准如下图所示:
广东省高等教育自学考试英语专业基础科段 英语口语评分表 姓名:______________ 准考证号:_______________ 地区:_____________
教师签名:______________________ 总分:________________________ 注 1. 口试满分为100分,其中第一部分35分,第二部分25分,第三部分40 分。 2. 考生在监考人员处按角色A或B取考卷,5分钟后进入考场。 3. 主考教师在评分表上登记考生的姓名和准考证号。 4. 两位考生互相介绍问候,然后就主考教师规定的2至3个主题进行会话。 5. 考生交替朗读对话。 6. 考生就所给的场景或主题进行交谈。 7. 考生的分以两位主考教师所给分数的平均分,记录在成绩单上。 8. 两位主考教师务必在各自的评分表和成绩单上签名。 样题 广东省高等教育自学考试英语专业基础科段 英语口语试卷 (主考用卷)
1. Ask the two testees to greet and introduce each other, then carry on a conversation based on the 2 – 3 topics specified randomly from the table below.
2. Ask the two testees to read aloud the following dialogue, with one playing Role A, the other Role B. A: Last month I went to Beijing and Shanghai on a package tour. I enjoyed my trip so much and it was really a memorable experience for me. B: Can you tell me your trip in more detail so as to let me share with you your enjoyable experience? A: Sure. When I set foot on Beijing, I was attracted and fascinated by its unique beauty. I should say Beijing is a beautiful city with a lot of places of historic interest. I was greatly impressed with the Temple of Heaven, the Forbidden City, and the Great Wall. They are so marvelous that I couldn’t tear myself away from them. The Great Wall is the most spectacular place I have ever visited. It’s a man-made wonder. B: What’s your general impression of Shanghai? A: You know, Shanghai is the biggest city in China. Compared with Beijing, it’s large, busy and prosperous. The rapid development of Shanghai has left a deep impression on me. It may be said Shanghai is the epitome of China’s rapid economic development and prosperity. B: I enjoy traveling, too. I think travel can not only help us relax and forget our worries and anxieties, but also enrich our knowledge and broaden our horizons. Two weeks ago, I went on a self-driving tour to Guilin. I was intoxicated by its picturesque scenery. Green hills, clear waters, fantastic caves and spectacular rocks are its four noted features. As the saying goes, Guilin has the most beautiful scenery in China and Yangshuo is the most beautiful part of Guilin. The scenery along the River is so beautiful that I felt I had been in a fairly land. I was so much enchanted that I found it hard to leave. I killed many rolls of films during my three-day tour. … 3. Ask the testees to make up a dialogue based on the specified situation or topic. The testees are given five minutes to prepare for it individually. For details, refer to Test Paper for Testees. 广东省高等教育自学考试英语专业基础科段 英语口语试卷 (考生A用卷) Part IIIYou are required to make up a dialogue with your partner based on the following situation. You are given five minutes to prepare for it individually. Suppose you are the secretary of Mr. Smith, CEO of a multinational corporation. Mr. Smith is going to attend the Guangzhou Trade Fair to be held from October 14 to 30. He would like you to reserve a room in a five-star hotel in Guangzhou. Mr. Smith hopes the hotel can meet the following requirements: 1) a room available for October 13 to 20 2) the room equipped with an IDD telephone and satellite TV 3) room rate not exceeding US$ 4) PC and Internet service available 5) having a conference room big enough to hold about 350 people 6) offering such services as photocopying and simultaneous translation 7) located near Baiyun International Airport and the Railway Station Now you are calling White Swan Hotel and China Hotel respectively to make the reservation. 广东省高等教育自学考试英语专业基础科段 英语口语试卷 (考生B用卷) Part IIIYou are required to make up a dialogue with your partner based on the following situation. You are given five minutes to prepare for it individually.
Suppose you are working as a clerk in the Front Desk of White Swan Hotel and China Hotel respectively. As the Guangzhou Trade Fair is approaching, all the rooms in White Swan Hotel are booked up. There are still some rooms available in China Hotel. The following is some information of China Hotel.
China Hotel While being right opposite the downtown area's China Fair Grounds, the China Hotel (Zhongguo dajiudian) is only about 10 minutes' drive from the railway station and 20 minutes from the airport. ● Distance from the airport: ● Distance from the railway station:
Rooms & Rates This hotel was one of the first five star hotels in China and boasts rooms and suites of various sizes, as well as an executive floor for business travelers. The hotel is well furnished with all kinds of facilities to help keep you in good shape-a swimming pool, a gym and a "weights & body-shapes" room with coaches on hand.
List of Facilities · Air Conditioning Airline Desk ● Exchange Service ● Beauty Salon · Coffee Shop ● Laundry ● Morning Call · Mini-bar ● Internet Service ● Tea/Coffee Boiling Pot · Refrigerator ● Restaurant ● DDD, IDD · Bar & Lounge ● Business Center ● 500-seat Conference Room · Conference Facilities ● Direct Dial Telephone ● In-room Safe · Multi-language Staff ● Shopping Arcade ● Ticket Booking · Swimming Pool |
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